Jul 31, 2019
We're hard at work on next week's full length episode! In the meantime, let's revisit the episode that started it all - the Trouble with Scrum!
All of our old episodes are always available at http://victrolapod.com, even if they're no longer in our iTunes feed!
Jul 24, 2019
This is it, another Microsode to tide you over before our next
full length episode! This week, featuring special guest Lee Eddy
(Roosterteeth Camp Camp and RVB!) You can see Lee perform her solo
show at the Out of Bounds Comedy Fest Labor Day Weekend! (https://oobfest.com/lineup/
A reminder, we have an...
Jul 17, 2019
This is it, another Microsode to tide you over before our next full length episode!
A reminder, we have an album now FREE to stream on Spotify
(right here: https://open.spotify.
Please support us by subscribing or reviewing us wherever you get your podcasts,...
Jul 10, 2019
This is it, another Microsode to tide you over before our next full length episode!
A reminder, we have an album now FREE to stream on Spotify
(right here: https://open.spotify.
Please support us by subscribing or reviewing us wherever you get your podcasts,...
Jul 3, 2019
We're back with our fifth full length episode of season 5! Saltwater Temple.
REMINDER: Our album on Sure Thing Records, virtual Aurality, is
now FREE to stream on Spotify (right here: https://open.spotify.
Please support us by subscribing or reviewing us...