Mar 31, 2020
We've never let appropriate social distancing stop us before, so why would we do so now? The answer is no reason, because we wouldn't.
Please enjoy this BRAND NEW FULL LENGTH EPISODE pulled from our Monday night live stream. That's right, 30 minutes of Victrola right on schedule. Pandemic be pandamned.
This was...
Mar 23, 2020
Like the title says, we're live streaming an episode of Victrola tomorrow night at 8pm central. (3/23/20) JOIN US. We'll be doing this every Monday cause fuck it.
Mar 18, 2020
What's new with you guys?
We're putting a pin in our regularly scheduled season 6 programming for obvious reasons. In the meantime, we are planning on live streaming during our regularly scheduled recording times MONDAY NIGHTS at 8PM CENTRAL!
We'll drop a line in the feed as soon as we have links and details available....
Mar 11, 2020
This is it, another Microsode to tide you over before our next full length episode!
A reminder, we have an album now FREE to stream on Spotify
(right here: https://open.spotify.
Please support us by subscribing or reviewing us wherever you get your podcasts, and...
Mar 4, 2020
After five seasons, close to 350 sketches, and over a hundred hours of content, we've made the difficult decision to do another five seasons. Please respect our privacy during this difficult time.
While you're busy respecting our privacy, please enjoy our sixth season premiere, Trash is Trevor.
REMINDER: Our album on...